Connecticut Dog Leash Law
Man’s best friend. Our dogs are that and so much more. Quite often they are more than a friend; they are a true member of the family. As a member of the family, they have to be cared for and watched over.
Most states have regulations for dogs when they are in public, as a protection for both owners and other pedestrians. Connecticut is no exception to this rule. While we don’t have a true leash law, we do have some rules that need to be followed. Because we love our dogs as much as you do, we want to make sure you know what is required when you are taking your dog out in public.
While Connecticut does not specifically state that a leash is necessary, the law clearly states that “No owner or keeper of any dog shall allow such dog to roam at large upon the land of another and not under the control of the owner or keeper.” The only exception to this rule is the use of hunting dogs during hunting or training season. The owner becomes responsible for any dog that roams onto another property while unattended and could incur fines or jail time in the case of an injury.
We know that no matter how hard you may try, sometimes your dog finds a way to escape from your yard. Any roaming dog that attacks anyone is automatically quarantined for 14 days following the incident. This is done to monitor any dog for rabies.
There is one instance that your dog does have to remain on a leash in Connecticut. You must have your dog restrained “in proximity to a blind, deaf or mobility impaired person accompanied by his guide dog.” The guide dog must be clearly marked and licensed for this rule to be in effect. The reason this is in place is to prevent anyone from interfering with a guide dog carrying out its duties.
We love our office dogs dearly here at Carter Mario and we always are sure to keep informed on any new rules that are put in place. We wanted to share some key points with you so that you can stay informed and keep your furry friends safe as well!
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